Mythic+ Pushing Keys

Mythic+ Teams

What is the purpose of a Mythic+ Push teams?

Having the most dedicated players to that activity allow us to ensure better keys every week for everyone. This comes with preparations, getting the best tools to succeed, be informed and ready to roll from start to end boss.

Right now, we’re in a learning curve phase, most of our highest keys are done once, we need to use that experience from a week to another, and we need a way for that knowledge to pass on.

Hence the use of the website.


Planning the team(s) includes building correct viable setup, use and knowledge of similar tools, a few fixed events on schedule.

Strike Force

Note that we will try to mutualize knowledge, strats, links and all that stuff in the pages associated with that post.

State of Mind.

You are free to join the roster for Mythic+ when you accept a few things. You are gonna invest time in dungeons. Sometimes things won’t go well, sometimes you’re gonna have to do the same dungeon twice, sometimes it’s gonna take an evening.

It’s gonna cost you some gold, you’re gonna need some food & flasks, you may need to setup some addons.

Most importantly, it is not a key of the week group. These keys are pushed for other members of the guild, the experience earned in these teams will allow smoother dungeon and hopefully successful completion of your keys for your mates. If your goal is just to have a key of the week, register for the standard Mythic+ event and you’ll get the best key this group will be able to push.

Time and Place.

As of now, there is no events planned for that group. We will first make rosters, and make sure keys are pushed before Sunday. Anyone available and willing will be listed and we will go from there.

First pushing keys group

After a lot of organisation the first group for pushing keys had been organised! The group starts at thursday and will include:

Vaene – tank
Cerenity, Viaquaris – healer
Farkhov, Mickah and Shamankaray – dps

The purpose of the group is to try and push as many keys as possible to high level, so more members of the guild can get weekly chest for the week with high loot.

Let’s wish good luck to the group and hope for the best results!

VOTING IS CLOSED- Transfer to Horde details

The guild will transfer to horde on the Draenor server in the next 24 hours. DON’T PANIC. We will still be active on alliance for some time yet. KILLING TIME ALLIANCE will remain as a placeholder guild for 30 days. We will make a new Killing Time Alliance Guild for people to park all of their alliance characters in. For anyone not coming to horde and choosing to remain alliance, the choice is to simple remain ion the new Killing Time Alliance, or move your main to a new guild or even server as Kean is going to do. We will all periodically be back playing Alliance from time to time anyways. As for those coming to HORDE, there is nearly 7 months gametime in which to level horde characters. Some may choose to transfer, others may just level characters from scratch. We gonna subsidise 10 transfers at 20 euro each if people are really struggling and desperately need to transfer. If you wish to transfer gold or mats to your Horde chars, put them in the guild bank before 3pm server time today. There will still be other chars transferring after that which you can send gold over with. So the vote has been cast and the move begins. If we have lost anyone through this move i am sorry. It was not ever the intention to exclude or make it hard for anyone. There merely needed to be a change, primarily of server. It seems there is enthusiasm to play Horde and hence the result. So finally, if you have any further queries ask any of the officers, particularly Bass and they will try to answer your questions. Good luck and have fun.

[Vote] Future of the Guild. Transfer or no transfer? This is the question. CLOSED



As you may or may not know there have been discussions within the guild about playing horde in the next expansion and changing servers to Draenor. This would obviously be quite a move, so here are some details you may want to consider.


Firstly, the reasons : The main reason is the Chamber of Aspects server, it is empty almost of 110 players who are not already settled in guilds, therefore the recruitment is very difficult. Also, purely for a change and maybe a Zandalari Troll or two.

How & when?

The guild will transfer however that only means the guild will move, not each players characters.
If the vote was for horde, and it needs to be 70% of those who vote or more, then we would start transferring the guild on the Mon after the vote closes.
A place holder guild will remain here for Alliance chars you want to leave here.
There will be a load of time in which players can level characters on Draenor server, however some may well want to transfer….the cost it would appear is another Bliz disgrace of £46. Some money will be available for those who deperately need to transfer a char and we will try and assist with that.
Finally, consider your choice carefully, as once we go, we go. There will still be an Alliance guild on this server for those playing a bit of both, but if the vote passes we will be raiding on Horde next expansion.

When the the vote will close ?

The vote will be open till next Sunday 25/02/2018

Vote now !

Would you like to move to Horde?- VOTING NOW CLOSED
  • Yes 75%, 24 votes
    24 votes 75%
    24 votes - 75% of all votes
  • No 25%, 8 votes
    8 votes 25%
    8 votes - 25% of all votes
Total Votes: 32
19th February 2018 - 25th February 2018
Voting is closed
© Kama

Saturday 17.12 offspec Antorus normal run

Same as week before, Saturday at 8 pm server time there is organised offspec Antorus normal run for everyone who wants to check their another specs or alts.

There will be few mains to maintain balance in the raid, so do not worry, everything will be fine. Last week there was plenty of fun and chill out atmosphere, we hope to repeat it this week too. 🙂


Sign up in calendar for Saturday everyone interested.

Raiding – Cmlsmall speech.

Raiding – We are assembling a group for Antorus, due on 29 Nov. We plan to raid 2 nights per week for progression, definately Thursdays, and prob Mondays, however if enough can make another night in preference to Monday, we will look at changing it. There will also be an alt run on the weekend. We are looking for people who can (within reason) commit to 2 nights per week and not only want to but enjoy raiding. If you can definately confirm 1 night per week and we can find someone who can only raid the other night…then that will work also. In the past progress has been slow sometimes, for all number of reasons. We are gonna try and change that for this tier. Raid invites will go out 1 week in advance. I need you to respond to the invite. If you def coming then great, accept the invite. Likewise if you definately cant make it..then decline. If you select tentative, then we need to know 2 hours before the raid whether you coming for definate or not. Please whisper Bipolarbear or Bassistas before the 2 hour deadline. The raid will be locked 2 hours before we due to begin and no-one else can join after that point. In the instance where you are definately coming but something came up and you gonna be late, let Bipolarbear or Bassistas know and we’ll try and accomodate that also. We are aiming for something like a 2/3/9-10 or if numbers permit a 2/4/12-14. We will go down to a 2/2/6 if we need to but in this tier we gonna keep the scaling sensible. So if all the above hasn’t put you, then sign up and we’ll raid The Burning Throne.
Please also be prepared for the raid. Flasks,Food,Tomes,Runes are essential. There will be a small selection of each in the GB for emergencies, if you use from there please replace. Also, the group will form 5-10 minutes before the raid, so please be on you main character and be ready for an invite. Video guides will be posted in this area as and when they are available. It would be helpful if you could watch. Finally, discord is an absolute must. Even if you want to mute and not speak, it is fine. Is just so you can hear tactics. If you read this far, and followed all that, then well done and thanks. Sorry, nearly forgot. Also, nearly forgot “2”. RAID TIMES are 9pm – 12pm Server Time. (8pm-11pm UK Time) and just for Bass 10pm – 1am EET
Raiding Update – We are making Wed 29th our first night as that is the day the raid opens. It starts at 9pm server time, however we will form the group half an hour earlier in order to sort out the loot add-on for this tier. We need everyone who has accepted the invite to be available at this time. If you struggling then let Bipolarbear or Bassistas know beforehand. Please also try and watch some of the fat boss videos above, at least for the early bosses. Many thanks in advance for joining.
PS :
Raiding-yet again – Just to clear up any confusion about the sign-ups as we still having a few problems. We will always try to have invites out at least 4 days in advance of raid. Please respond either way. Also, pls put tentative if there any chance you can make it and confirm 2 hours before raid to Bipolarbear or Bassistas. If you gonna be late or for anything really, pls communicate this to Bipolar or Bass either in game or discord. In short, pls respond to the invites (ABED!!!!!!!!!!) This is purely because it is a total nightmare trying to put this together otherwise. Thanks for your help.

Saturday Raid for Off Spec.

On Saturday starting this week. I’ll set up a raid on calendar for Normal or Heroic with the main purpose to push up off spec.

Event is at 8pm.

We will have a few main to balance the raid but we mainly want people who don’t have opportunities to try and get experience on different spec to practice and hopefully succeed.

Get some experience and offer some flexibility in building raids on our main progress.

One of our main tank and healer will be there to help and supervise Mechanics.

Come geared for the raid, have your consumables and good attitude.

Don’t worry, everything will be ok :p